Christian Seminary for All Age Groups
Evangequip Missions Bible College and Seminary
30 Credit Hours - $150.00 per credit
ACM 101 – Hermeneutics: Introduction to Bible Study – Learning how to interpret Scripture
ACM 102 – New Testament Survey – Studying authorship, date, audience, historical background, bible difficulties, critical scholarship, and verse by verse commentary.
ACM 103 – Old Testament Survey- Examination of each book of the Old Testament’s culture, context, and content.
ACM 104 - Introduction to Evangelism: The study of, sending, sharing, or going to proclaim Jesus Christ.
ACM 105 – Christian Position on Contemporary Family Issues: A study of the struggles of the Christian Family.
ACM 106 – The Necessity of Repentance: Study of the doctrine of repentance
30 Credit Hours
BMC 123- Advanced Hermeneutics: The study of the principles of biblical interpretation
BMC 124 – The teachings of Jesus: The study of Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels
BMC 125- Soteriology: The Study of Salvation
BMC 126 – The Blood Covenant: The study of the significance of the Blood Covenant
BMC 127 – Youth Ministry: The study of empowering young people to live as disciples.
BMC 128- Homiletics: The art of preaching. The study of composition and delivery of the sermon.
BMC 129- Spiritual Warfare: Understanding Spiritual Warfare. The study of demonology
BMC 130 – Practices in Christianity: The study of Christian denominations.
30 Credit Hours
MDIV 200- Systematic Theology: Studying what the Bible says to us about any subject.
MDIV 201 – Christology: Christian reflection, teaching, and doctrine about Jesus and His Work
MDIV 202 – Pneumatology: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
MDIV 203 – Pastoral Ministry: The biblical study of practical methods and skills to be a pastor
MDIV 204 – Missional Church: Learning to be the true church
MDIV 205 – Administrative Leadership: The study of administrative leadership
MDIV 206 – Hermeneutics: Interpretation of Scripture
MDIV 207- Homiletics: The art of preaching
MDIV 208 – Psychopathology: The study of the dynamics of personality development, and the understanding of its function and dysfunction of human beings and distortions of that development under the influence of sin.
30 Credit Hours
DMIN 300- Missiology:-The study of the mission of the church.
DMIN 301- Across Cultural Barriers: The study of differing backgrounds communication styles
DMIN 302-Vision and Strategic Planning: The study of how to discern the vision of the church.
DMIN 303- Christ-Centered Therapy: The practical integration of theology and psychology.
DMIN 304- Mobilizing The Church To Reach The Community: The study of reconciliation and collaboration between different religious groups and society.
DMIN 305- Apologetics IV: Learning to defend the truth of the Christian religion.
DMIN 306 – World Religions: The study of the components and dynamics of religions and knowledge of ideas and practices.
DMIN 307 – Church Planting: The study of Paul’s strategy to plant urban churches.
DMIN308- Ethics of Evangelism: The study of producing effective Christian disciples.
DMIN 309 – Systematic Theology: Studying what the Bible says to us about any subject.